What We Do
Nurturing Success in Every Student
If your child is behind grade level in Maths and English / Reading / Spelling / Comprehension, our initial role will be to catch them up as quickly as possible. Given sufficient time with us, children can generally catch up at the rate of two or even three-year levels in one year of tutoring (if sessions are not missed).
If you want your child to exceed grade level, we are also experts at this. We will explain to you how we do it. Disability in any area is no barrier to learning, and Andrew has broad experience with children with every form of disability, from Intellectual Impairment to ASD, Learning Disability etc etc. Every child can and does learn at their own rate of progress. Our learning is individualized for every child. Small groups are the setting, and each child works independently on a program designed specifically for them.

Accelerated Progress
Rapidly improve students' skills to meet and exceed grade-level standards.

Customized Sessions
Deliver customized tutoring sessions tailored to individual learning styles and needs.

Specialised Support
For all students regardless of ability or disability
Why Sunshine Coast Tutoring Stands Out
We provide a free assessment so we can determine the exact levels your child is performing at and we tell you so you know and understand as well. We discover your child's strengths and importantly their learning styles as well. We discuss and plan to manage whether there are outside of learning factors at play such as stress, anxiety bullying or lack of teacher connection issues. We dont just re hash what your child is learning at school. Our programs are digital as this is the environment they operate in within their classrooms. They are written by us here in Queensland especially to enable your child to unpack the skills they need to learn to improve. Finally our programs are designed for your child to gain the maximin benefit for the Australian Curriculum which they use in all schools.
THIS WORKS because once your child experiences success (and they will I promise you), they gain confidence and confidence breeds more confidence and we watch them flourish. Giving your child access to the curriculum through competency in Reading and Maths IS ONE OF THE GREATEST GIFTS YOU CAN BESTOW UPON THEM - Literally, the keys to a good life.

Andrew Worthington
About Us
Our Story and Expertise
Sunshine Coast tutoring has in its employ highly credentialed teachers dedicated to helping children from Prep to year 12 succeed in their studies. Andrew the head tutor has been tutoring on the Sunshine Coast for over 10 years and before that spent over 30 years with Education Queensland and in a University in a range of roles which included:
Teacher from prep to year 12 - specialising in the teaching of reading
School Guidance Officer
Primary Principal
Head of Special Education Services
University lecturer in Special Education and Psychology.
Enabling us to direct our expertise to the teaching programs designed for your child.
Contact Sunshine Coast Tutoring
Let's Chat About
Your Child's Learning Challenges
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Let's Chat About
Your Child's Learning Challenges
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